Giant Drawing on Wall
Giant Drawing on Wall —
The gorgeous website format welcomes you in and you see the marketplace bio: Welcome to Budinsky!
We offer a rare collection of minted NFT’s of LB’s artwork and other ventures. “ There are no other NFT’s as rare as LB’s” (TM pending)
BitBudinsky is a self-proclaimed Skilled NFT minter, aspiring RunDMC member, and Ethereum enthusiast. I like mixed media art. Brickcoin Miner
The original Giant Drawing on Wall sits in an unknown location, with a rumor that BitBudinsky himself will sell the original item, along with an early access to purchase the Grey Wasp Card, a rare collectible NFT on
“NFT are the rage right now!” — Budinsky’s father stated in an interview. “I can’t believe he can sell the NFT for Ethereum on He has also committed to give the original section of drywall with drawing on it to whoever first purchases the NFT. Between offering up early access to purchase the Grey Wasp Card, and this, its no wonder he went Viral. He is a genius!” The grey wasp card gives the holder powers of protection and excitement. The unlockable content is rumoured to contain a portion of BrickCoin, to be spent at the next BrickCoin event, in 2022.
BitBudinsky wants to see cryptocurrency help those in need and plans to donate a portion of his earnings to the local foodbank. He also is hoping to speak with the BrickCoin Developers about staking his personally mined Brickcoins in exchange for donation rewards give to a non-profit organization who helps women, 2LGBTQ+, and people of colour access mental health supports affordably and free classes on nutrition and wellness. The organization has not yet been created, but interested investors should watch for an event which will signal the kick off for this venture.

Giant Drawing on Wall —